We are seeing a huge increase in the number of people falling sick with COVID-19.              We must distance ourselves from one another and prevent the spread of infection in order to save lives.  In line with Government regulation,  therefore, all church buildings in the Church of England are now closed.
Our worship of God and our care for each other continue but cannot be done in this building. Regular aids to prayer are posted on our Facebook page (Wilton Parish Church) and further resources are available on the Church of England Website (see “Links” on this site)


God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear. Psalm 46 v 1- 2 

Our church buildings are closed, but the Church is alive in prayer:

Keep us, good Lord, 
under the shelter of your mercy
in this time of uncertainty and distress.
Sustain and support the anxious and fearful,
and lift up all who are brought low
that we may rejoice in your comfort
knowing that nothing
can separate us from your love
in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Alabare – Emergency Appeal

Urgent appeal from Alabare – founded in Wilton, now struggling due to impact of Coronavirus.

Message from Helen Inglis, Church Engagement Officer below..

alabare ep

As you know, here at Alabaré we are working with very vulnerable people. The homeless people we support are extremely vulnerable to Coronavirus; 75% of our homeless clients have underlying health issues and many have no one else to turn to.
Our dedicated teams are on the front line working around the clock to keep our clients safe. We are getting rough sleepers into our homes where we can support them if they fall ill, and helping vulnerable and scared people to self-isolate, making sure they have a safe home, food and medication in this time of urgent need.
‘Rough sleepers do not have access to the soap and water we are all using to help protect ourselves. They do not have the means to self-isolate. The vast majority are more susceptible to illness and many have complex underlying health problems. If the virus does spread, homeless people could be amongst the first to die.’
Sue, Alabaré Homeless Service Manager
Coronavirus is already putting huge strains on Alabaré financially. Our charity’s services are facing unprecedented challenges and are putting emergency procedures into place. Our fund-raising events over the next 6 months have all had to be postponed and we are facing an immediate loss of at least £100,000 at a time when we desperately need that money to help save lives. If we are unable to raise this money quickly, this virus threatens our charity’s survival.
You can access the online appeal through our website (link below), by cheque to ‘Alabaré Christian Care & Support’ or I would be delighted to send you our bank details if you are able to make a direct transfer.

Services Suspended

Coronavirus – COVID 19   –  23 March 2020

Following Government advice, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have suspended all public worship. This means that no normal Sunday services, or midweek Eucharists can take place and the forthcoming Feast of Easter will not be celebrated in the normal way.

This is a difficult situation for many of us, but the seriousness of the threat to public health, and especially to some of the more vulnerable members of our community, mean that drastic measures are right and necessary.

To help us to maintain a sense of unity, as well as to assist our private devotions, a number of resources are being made available on line: initially there are links on the church’s Facebook page (Wilton Parish Church). it is hoped to add further sites and resources in the next few days.

Church-members who do not have access to the internet can have paper copies of meditations or recordings on CD.

Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals are permitted, but under very restricted conditions. Please check the Church of England website for further details.