Holy Baptism

In Baptism (or Christening) we welcome a new member into the Christian Church. Normally we are also celebrating “a new arrival”, but there is no age limit – in recent years candidates have ranged from 3 months to 94 years of age! For regular members of our congregations, Baptism often takes place within the main Sunday service (10.45 – 11.45am), so that you have the prayers and support of your “Church family” around you at this important moment in your life. For others, or for larger gatherings of family and friends, a separate afternoon service can be arranged

The Baptism service involves “washing” with water (a symbol of life), “anointing” with holy oils (rubbed onto the forehead to symbolise God’s blessing “soaking in” to us) and the giving of a lighted candle (representing Christ our light – who leads us through life’s challenges).

In Baptism, you are asked to make certain promises, and it is important that you feel comfortable making these promises to God and his Church. (When a young child is baptised, the parents and Godparents speak on their behalf.) There are normally three Godparents, all of whom must have been baptised themselves, who are responsible for guiding the new Christian as they grow.

If you would like to arrange a Baptism, or for further information, please contact the Parish office – tel. 01722 742393
email: parishsecretarywilton@gmail.com

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